Dear Coca-Cola Read online

Page 13

  I think I deserve an explanation of why your product is clearly failing to do what you claim that

  it does.

  Yours faithfully

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  21st Jan

  Tendercut Meats


  Birchfield Lane


  Dear Tendercut Meats

  The other day I bought a packet of your frozen Rich Meat Gravy with Sliced Leg of Lamb. Consequently I wish to make a complaint about the photograph on the front of the packet. I have no complaint about the food inside, which was as expected - bland, fatty, gristly, with thick lumpy gravy. The only observation I will make is that if the meat in question came from the limb of a lamb it must have been one which had an artificial leg. It did however have the virtue of being inexpensive, and if you shop at Aldi I suppose you can’t expect the quality afforded by Fortnum and Masons.

  No, as I say, what I wish to complain about is not the food but the picture on the packet, which is of a plateful of succulent-looking lamb slices in a most nourishing looking gravy, and bears about as much resemblance to the contents inside as does the Queen to Kevin in Coronation Street when he had a moustache.

  I would appreciate your comments on this deception.

  Yours faithfully

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  3 February

  Mr Ravenscroft

  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  Dear Mr Ravenscroft

  Thank you for your recent letter concerning a purchase of our sliced lamb in gravy.

  We have always been proud of the fact that Tendercut Meats have set the highest quality standards. With this in mind, please accept our thanks for taking the trouble to contact us with your views and comments. They help us to continue to look at ways of ensuring that each and every one of our products reaches our customers in the best possible condition.

  Our product is in fact produced with New Zealand Lamb with only the leg bone and the majority of fat removed. We are delighted to inform you that within the next two months you will be able to purchase the Tendercut range of Ready Carved Joints with a new recipe; having removed E621 and E262 making the range 100% natural.

  As you said, your main complaint was with the picture on the box. We are bound by law to only show a photograph that gives a true representation of the contents; in this case slices of meat in gravy, we also work very closely with trading standards when we produce all our packaging and products. However, we sincerely regret that you felt mislead and would ask you to accept the enclosed goodwill gesture. We hope this unfortunate incident has not deterred you from purchasing further products from the Tendercut range.

  Yours sincerely

  J Moule

  Tendercut Meats Ltd


  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  14th Feb

  J Moule

  Tendercut Meats

  Brickfield Lane


  Dear J Moule

  Thank you for your letter of 3rd February, and the P.O. for £5. I will save it until such time as you bring out the Tendercut range of Ready Carved Joints with their E 621 and E262 elements removed. It is always good to hear of E numbers being got shot of, and there is an excellent chance that their removal will bring about a substantial improvement. More power to your elbow. Incidentally, what exactly are E621 and E 262 as I think one of them recently made me poorly?

  Yours faithfully

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  25th March

  Pork Farms

  55 Stallard Street



  Dear Pork Farms

  A couple of friends and I have just won a racehorse in a raffle. We have to find a name for it and as we are all fans of your pies we thought we would call it Pork Farms Pork Pies. Have you any objection to this? I don't think there's much chance of it ever winning as someone I know in the horseracing game says that from the look of it if we entered it in the three-o-clock race there would be no more than an outside chance of it being placed in the three-thirty. However I thought I'd better mention that in case you feel that a horse called Pork Farms Pork Pies coming in last might reflect badly on your pies.

  Looking forward to hearing from you, with your blessing.

  Yours faithfully

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  Mr Ravenscroft

  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  Ref: Gj201/JJ

  14 April

  Dear Mr Ravenscroft

  Firstly, may I apologise for the delay in responding to your letter, and secondly can I congratulate you on your recent good fortune. I must add that in my time at Pork Farms I have received some very unusual requests, but this is far and away the most unusual to date.

  I am very pleased that both you and your friends are fans of our Pies, so much so that you would name your proud possession after them. However, (and here is the boring legal bit), we cannot allow any use of the Pork Farms brand name outside of our corporate control. We would need to enter a licensing agreement that would need every aspect of your hobby being agreed to and signed off by our lawyers. I think you will agree that this would be a mutually tiring affair, particularly as the object of this exercise is fun. The more generic title of Pork Pie would, of course, be entirely down to yourselves.

  I apologise for this slightly bureaucratic response, but we do need to ensure that the brand name is managed correctly. I will, however, look out for Pork Pie running in the 2.30 at Kempton and, despite your reservations about the horse's talents, have a small flutter.

  Please find enclosed some vouchers that will hopefully please you all (even your equine friend)!!


  Gary Johnston


  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  25th April

  Gary Johnston

  Pork Farms Bowyers

  Queens Drive


  Dear Gary Johnston

  Thank you for your letter of 14th April and the vouchers, although I really do wish you hadn't put the idea into my head of feeding your pork pies to our horse. The thing is, with the vouchers I bought eight pork pies, ate one of them myself - delicious, as usual - and fed the other seven to the horse. The following day it dropped dead. The vet said it could very well have been the pork pies that caused the horse to go into the violent spasms that led to it having a heart attack, and that I was 'bloody stupid'. I must say his reasoning that eating seven pork pies can cause a heart attack is totally beyond me - I've eaten four of them many a time and the horse was twice as big as me, so if you ask me it is the vet who is bloody stupid! Anyway I thought I'd better mention it to you so that you won't advise anybody else to feed pork pies to their racehorses.

  On a more pleasurable note, having now owned a racehorse, my friends and I have really got the horseracing bug, so we're going to buy another one. I have checked with Tattersall's and it seems that there already is a horse called Pork Pies. (So great minds apparently do think alike!) So we have decided to call our new horse Not As Good As Pork Farm Pork Pies, which will fulfil the dual purpose of giving your firm a bit of a leg up, whilst not using your brand name.

  Would this be acceptable to you?

  Yours faithfully

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


/>   21st February


  Consumer Care Team

  Freepost BF 304


  Dear Jordans Porridge Oats

  For the last three months I have been breakfasting each morning on a bowl of your porridge oats as part of the G I (Glycaemic Index) diet, and very good they are too. They really fill me up and set me up for the day. This alone would make them well worth the price, but I have discovered to my great joy that your oats bring with them an added benefit, and a most welcome benefit at that!

  I wouldn’t like this to get around of course - although I wouldn’t object to you showing this letter around the office - but since starting to eat your oats my sex life has improved no end. I suppose this is in part due to my being quite a lot slimmer and thus more attractive to my wife, having lost three stones since I started the diet (I am now down to a quite presentable nineteen stones), but I’m sure that my extra energy and staying power, fuelled as it is by your oats, has played an even bigger part.

  I know from personal experience that regular helpings of milk-soaked anchovies can do wonders for a chap’s sex drive but I never suspected that porridge oats might do the same. Have any other of your customers experienced this phenomenon?

  Yours sincerely

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  Mr T Ravenscroft

  Lingland Road

  New Mills


  5 March Ref: 2007014580

  Dear Mr Ravenscroft

  Thank you for your very nice letter regarding out Conservation Grade Porridge Oats. It is so pleasant to receive comments as we do try to maintain the highest standards of quality and value.

  We do certainly listen to what our customers have to say and quite often changes in formulation take place because of popular opinion, although I don’t think we will be putting your ‘newly found extra benefit’ down on the pack as a unique selling point for our porridge oats but please be assured that I am passing copies of your letter over to our Technical and Marketing Department, who always appreciate feedback from our customers especially when they are as positive as yours.

  Thank you again for taking the time to contact us and for your support of Jordans.

  Yours sincerely

  Rita Farmer

  Consumer Advisor


  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  8th March

  Rita Farmer

  Consumer Adviser

  W Jordan (Cereals) Ltd


  Dear Rita Farmer

  Thank you for your prompt and courteous reply.

  Despite what you say about not putting my ‘newly found extra benefit’ on your packet as a unique selling point for your porridge oats I must say I think you are wasting a golden opportunity. However I believe you may very well change your mind when you hear about the most wonderful slogan I have managed to come up with to promote your company’s product. Wait for it …. ‘Get your oats with Jordan’s Oats’. Such a witty catchphrase is guaranteed to sell thousands of extra packets, I am quite sure. What do you think?

  Unfortunately I can’t claim credit for the ditty as it was dreamed up by my friend Atkins down the road, who incidentally is now also a fan of your oats since I put him on to them a couple of weeks ago. Regarding Atkins I must point out that, unlike me, he has not noticed any change in his sex life since breakfasting a la Jordan’s, but that isn’t surprising as he claims to be a five nights a week and twice on Sunday man even when oat unaided, which isn’t bad for a man in his early sixties, I’m sure you will agree.

  One further point. I notice you claim that your packets of oats may contain wheat, barley, rye, nuts, and sesame seeds. I must say I’d never noticed any of these ingredients in your porridge so I decided to investigate further. To my great surprise, and despite going through several packets with a fine toothcomb, I found not a single trace of any of wheat, barley, rye, nuts, or sesame seeds. It is no business of mine of course but I do feel that if you are claiming your oats contain any or all of these ingredients you should make a greater effort to include them.

  However this is the only blot on an otherwise excellent copybook.

  Yours sincerely

  T Ravenscroft (Mr)



  Mr T Ravenscroft

  Lingland Road

  New Mills


  14 March Ref: 2007014580

  Dear Mr Ravenscroft

  Thank you for your recent letter regarding our Conservation Grade Porridge Oats. Your slogan is very good but if we put claims like you suggest on our porridge oat packaging we will need to back them up with hard facts and as you are the only customer who has informed us of this precise benefit I don’t think our legal department will let us get away with it. If we have a customer who was relying on this particular benefit and it did not happen for him/her we could be sued - with the litigation society we live in these days.

  The point you made about the “May contain” statement on our packaging. This is yet another incident of our marketing department thinking they are more open and informative to our customers, and all they have done is cause confusion and distress to customers. The statement is just to let customers who are severely allergic to these allergens know that they are on our site as they go into products other than the specific product they have purchased.

  I think your friend Atkins is quite a man, if his claims are true and if they can be proved to come with no artificial aids!!!!!!

  Thank you for your letters and your support of Jordans.

  Yours sincerely

  Rita Farmer

  Consumer Advisor


  17 Lingland Road

  New Mills


  20th March

  Rita Farmer

  Consumer Adviser

  W Jordan (Cereals) Ltd


  Dear Rita Farmer

  Thank you for your letter clearing up the ‘May contain’ business. I’m glad I’m not the only satisfied customer of Jordans that your Marketing Department has confused. Marketing people, eh? Almost as bad as social workers in my opinion.

  Regarding my friend Atkins. I showed him your letter and he assured me that he has never used any artificial aids whatsoever, apart from the time his wife went to Australia for six weeks some years ago, when he sent away to a sex shop for a ‘Wankey-Doodle-Dandy’, which he used for five of the six weeks. It would have been six but for some reason the contraption broke after five weeks, probably through overuse if I know Atkins.

  Regarding my slogan. Yesterday afternoon I stationed myself in Tescos breakfast cereal aisle for a couple of hours (I haven’t much else to do as I’m retired) and asked every person who purchased a packet of your oats the following question: ‘If you are following the GI Diet has your sex life improved since you started eating Jordan’s Porridge Oats?’ All of them answered my question, apart from two people who for some strange reason just looked at me with their mouths agape before wandering off, and a woman who slapped my face. Twelve of the hundred or so people I asked said they were on the GI Diet (8 women, 4 men). Seven of them (3 women, 4 men) thought that it had improved their sex life, 2 vastly. I would have stayed longer and questioned more of Tescos very obliging customers but unfortunately at that stage the manager asked me to move on, possibly because the women who slapped my face had complained to him.